Lately I haven't had much time to watch any genuinely good movies. Part of the reason is because most of the films in theatres now have names like "Valentine's Day" or "Dear John". The other part of the reason is my own fault, not the directors and screenplay writers of the world: it's because we finally caved and decided to subscribe to HBO on Demand. This means that we can watch every single episode of Six Feet Under over and over again. I am morbidly obsessed with this show from the early 2000s. I knew of it when it first came out, read reviews, and even rooted for the actors and writers come Emmy time. But I couldn't watch it because I was a lowly university student living off of meager Kelsey's tips and OSAP--and that still wasn't quite enough (I literally spent a couple of months eating steamed broccoli to save money; another financial phase I went through involved a box of animal crackers every day, since I found a deal in which they sold for 79 cents each).
So I am making a goal to see more good movies--even if that means driving to Oakville or Toronto to do so. Movies like The Yes Men Fix the World. Movies like The Class, which had only played in Toronto but that we finally rented (and felt like a minor victory against its poorly written and acted counterparts). Movies that have become cult classics and some of my personal favourites: Dazed and Confused, Garden State, Before Sunrise.
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